Terms and Conditions

This page contains the terms and conditions that apply to both scheduled training courses booked on training.kdab.com and tailored, company specific training courses.

Terms and conditions for scheduled training (except those in France)

KDAB offers two types of scheduled training courses:

(a) in-person at a KDAB facility, For example the Berlin Training Center

(b) online, typically using Zoom

The terms and conditions contain different clauses for each format. It is crucial to understand these before booking.

Download the complete terms and conditions here.

French scheduled training

Different rules apply to the courses taking place in France. When you register, a request for the issuing of an offer is sent to KDAB France. The booking should only be considered confirmed when you have signed the contract that will be sent to you.

Download the terms and conditions for scheduled training courses in France here.

In-company training

These courses have an pre-agreed location, format and duration that is formulated during consultation with the customer.

The terms and conditions that apply to these training courses are listed below:

Europe (except France) / Africa / Asia

In-company training (on-site)

In-company training (remote)


In-company training (on-site)

In-company training (remote)


In-company Training (on-site)

In-company Training (remote)

KDAB reserves the right to amend all terms and conditions where required, without notice.