Learn Qt/QML with courses tailored to your needs

KDAB has delivered 700+ Qt courses for companies such as Boeing, IBM, Intel, Roche, Siemens and CERN. When you join or order one of our market leading Qt Training courses, we bring the whole deck of Qt Training material. This enables our trainers to make last minute adaptations suited to the participants’ needs. This means that if you turn out to have, say, a strong interest in multi-threading, then that material is already included in the class handout, and can easily be covered.

There is more in common than differs between Qt for desktop systems, embedded devices and mobile, and this is reflected in the detailed course Table of Contents you can access for each course.

Nonetheless, as there are two UI technologies offered by Qt, these are covered by the QtWidget and Qt/QML variants. All courses cover the fundamentals.

We currently offer the following course variants:

Get quickly up to speed if you’re new to QML or get a brush-up and reminder of best practices on this course, which focuses mainly on Qt Quick. Learn how to compose fluid interfaces with slick animations using QML, and how to hook up the QML side to the business logic in C++. Discover how Qt is used on both desktop and mobile.
This variant gives you all the fundamentals you need to get quickly up to speed with Qt/QML as well as an introduction to developing for Embedded with Qt Creator and performance tuning.
This Advanced QML course is designed to take programmers who already know QML to a deeper level of functional understanding. It introduces Advanced QML/C++ integration, Application Architecture and much more.
This course covers Qt fundamentals, objects and widgets, Qt Creator and Designer, then takes you under the hood to learn about core classes, custom dialogs, layout management, painting, event handling, and the fundamentals of Qt’s model/view framework.
For programmers already acquainted with Qt Widgets, this course offers a recap of Qt fundamentals then dives into application infrastructure, Model/View with Qt and much more, leading to a deeper level of understanding of Qt internals.
This three-day training teaches multithreading application development techniques, using the Qt/C++ object technology. Participants will gain insight into multithreading problems in general, and how they pertain to Qt programs in particular.