Update your knowledge around Qt/QML, Modern C++, Rust and more
KDAB has long been the leader in Qt training, honing our offering over 20 years and focusing on core engineering competencies like Modern C++ and 3D/OpenGL. Lately, we also offer Rust courses (online only) in collaboration with our partner Ferrous Systems.
Principles that drive KDAB’s success are:
KDAB’s trainers are all active engineers whose up-to-date work experience brings direct benefit to the classroom.
They know their chosen topics thoroughly and are enthusiastic about teaching it.
All our courses combine presentation with hands-on labs to help students assimilate what they’re learning.
A rich store of training material enables our trainers to flexibly adapt to the specific needs of each class.
Personal attention is guaranteed as our classes are always small, never more than 12 for a standard training.
We favour in-person training for the learning benefits to students but some courses are offered on-line.
Scheduled training courses are available throughout the year in English and French. Each topic can also be offered in-company if that better suits your needs.
We look forward to seeing you at one of our courses!
KDAB offers introductory and advanced level Qt/QML training courses covering desktop, embedded and mobile, with a variety of course variants for you to choose from.
The hands-on Modern C++ training courses by KDAB Training are designed to quickly familiarize newcomers with the language. They also update professional C++ developers on the latest changes in the language and standard library introduced in recent C++ editions.
Our following OpenGL courses provide introductory and in-depth coverage of Modern OpenGL, ranging from fundamental topics and rendering techniques, to OpenGL code performance. Our Qt 3D course teaches programmable shader-based pipelines using both C++ and QML APIs.
In collaboration with our partners Ferrous Systems, we provide a variety of introductory and advanced training courses for the Rust language. We also include a half-day training about why Rust could be the right choice for your project. All of these courses are conducted remotely.
We offer 4 variants of this course to cater for developers working on either Windows or Linux with or without Qt. Each course covers the tools to help you find bugs and performance issues. Problems covered range from general purpose debugging and CPU profiling to Qt specific high-level analyzers.
These courses aim to get you up-to-speed with developer tools, including CMake, Squish, and Qt Design Studio. In addition, we offer a course covering best practices for the Git version control system.